Historical Site

Great Silk Road

Nicolas Tian for Nomad's Land

The ancient Silk Road was a dirty road, which was originally used to spread silk from China all over the continent. The silk was in this time a very expensive, but useful product. In 121 BC the first camel caravan loaded with silk started. But soon, there were as well many other outlandish products being transported on the Silk Road. Together with the silk camels carried Indian gerns, Iranian silver jewery, rich cloths from Byzantium, Baltic amber, Mediterranean corals, ceramics, grapes, nuts and many others goods.
​But the importance of the Silk Road was not only in the formation of trade relations between different countries and people, but also in the developement of communications, technology improvement and spiritual exchange.

But there was not only one Silk Road. It had many branches, three of which went trough modern Kyrgyztan: Northern (on the shores of Lake Issyk Kul), Southern and Fergana.

Today, in Kyrgyztan the Silk Road is still represented by various sections, which are well expressed and marked by important monuments of history and culture.